Bursitis: What is It?


Exploring the Common Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for this Condition

Bursitis involves inflammation of the bursa. A bursa is a lubrication-filled sac located between major tissues like tendons, skin, muscle, and bone. It helps reduce irritation, friction, and rubbing between these areas.

When you suffer a major injury, impact, or engage in a repetitive motion involving certain areas, you can develop bursitis. Also, older individuals are more likely to suffer from bursitis, because as you age, your body tolerates stress, repetitive motions, and injuries less – and makes you prone to tears. Some people are more at risk for developing Bursitis, especially those who have hobbies or jobs that put pressure on their joints. Medical conditions, such as gout or arthritis, increase the risk too.

If you are suffering from Bursitis, you may benefit from seeing a physical therapist. However, before you do so, you should see your physician and get an official diagnosis for Bursitis.

Common Symptoms Associated with Bursitis

Bursitis has common indicators, which might help your physician diagnose you properly. If you are suffering from any of the following, then talk with your physician and see if you do have Bursitis and how you can go about treating it.

Common symptoms include:

  • Aches or Stiffness: The joint where the bursae are affected will often feel achy, stiff, and continually throb. It is a constant stiffness from the inflammation.
  • Hurts Under Pressure: If you press on the joint where you feel discomfort, does it hurt? What about if you move it? If so, it could indicate inflammation.
  • Swollen and Red: As the condition progresses, you may develop redness and swelling around the joint, especially as fluids build up from the inflammation.
  • Inability to Move: If you have disabling pain, or you cannot move the joint at all from the inflammation, you should see your physician right away.

Bursitis is not a serious condition, but if you do not seek treatment, you could suffer from long-term complications and chronic pain. 

What are Your Treatment Options?

Bursitis gets better on its own, but you may need help getting through the pain at first. Some common treatments include medication to reduce swelling and inflammation, along with alleviating physical pain. Injections of corticosteroids may also help relieve inflammation. Physical therapy, including exercises to help strengthen the muscles around your affected joints is also an excellent treatment method.

If you suffer from Bursitis, your physician may prescribe a combination of all these treatment methods. If it is recommended that you try physical therapy, turn to the professionals at Medical Rehabilitation Centers of Pennsylvania. We have therapists who understand the pain and discomfort of bursitis, and we can help alleviate that pain, strengthen your muscles, and prevent it from reoccurring.

Learn more about how physical therapy treatments can alleviate Bursitis pain by contacting an MRCP clinic at one of our convenient locations or contact us online.

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