Common Types of Tendonitis and their Symptoms

Seek the Right Treatment for Your Specific Case of Tendonitis  

Categorized as a repetitive stress disorder, tendonitis is a common, yet painful condition defined as the inflammation of a tendon. Since the condition can strike any part of the body where there is a tendon, there are many different types of tendonitis. Symptoms of tendonitis will usually be experienced at the site where the tendon attaches your muscle to the bone. However, not every type of tendonitis and its associated symptoms will respond to the same treatment. That’s why it is important to speak with your physician or physical therapist to identify the exact source of your discomfort, so you can recover from the specific problem that is keeping you in pain.

What Are the Common Types of Tendonitis?  

Tendonitis is classified under many different forms and can either be referred to as the body part they are affecting, such as Achilles tendonitis or the activity that has caused it, such as “tennis elbow”. Outlined below are some of the most common types of tendonitis and their symptoms: 

  1. Achilles Tendonitis: Your Achilles tendon is located between your heel and calf muscle. This form of tendonitis is common in the sports industry, but it can even be the result of ill-fitting shoes that do not provide adequate support for your feet. People with this condition may feel pain and stiffness and notice a lump behind the ankle joint. Treat these symptoms with plenty of rest, ice and physical therapy.  
  2. Patellar Tendonitis: Also known as, “Jumper’s Knee”, patellar tendonitis causes pain and inflammation under your kneecap. This form of tendonitis is common among basketball players and other athletes who must repeatedly perform jumping movements. Rest and anti-inflammatory medication are typically relied on to treat the problem.  
  3. Rotator Cuff Tendonitis: As one of the most common forms of tendonitis in the shoulder, rotator cuff tendonitis affects the tendons that help muscles keep the bones in their socket. This type of tendonitis can occur due to sudden injury or repetitive motions. Painful symptoms can make it difficult for you to sleep or put pressure on the affected shoulder.  
  4. Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow: Pain that occurs on the outside of the elbow is called “tennis elbow”, while pain experienced on the inner side of the elbow is known as “golfer’s elbow”. The symptom of pain can radiate down to your wrist and can be treated by avoiding the activities that trigger inflammation and seeking treatment with strengthening exercises from your physical therapist. 
  5. Wrist Tendonitis: This common problem causes pain and inflammation to occur around your wrist joint. Often the result of fluid build-up, the symptoms of wrist tendonitis can be reduced by resting and limiting the movement of your wrist with the help of a short-term splint.

Treatment for each type of tendonitis will vary based on factors like the location of the affected area and the particular body mechanic used. Once you can identify the exact type of tendonitis, targeted treatments can be pursued to heal your specific symptoms. While most mild cases of tendonitis can be resolved through non-invasive methods and therapies, some cases may be easier to manage with the help of a certified professional. No matter what condition you are suffering from, the licensed physical therapists at Medical Rehabilitation Centers of Philadelphia (MRCP) can provide you with high quality, patient focused care. We specialize in local treatments and can provide you with a thorough rehabilitation program to help you rebuild strength, motion and function.  

For a speedy recovery, treat the symptoms of tendonitis with the help of a professional. Book an appointment for physical therapy treatment today. Contact us at the location of your choice or complete our online form and we will get back to you soon. 

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